Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Steranko characters

Courtesy of Golden Age Comic Book Stories here are some amazing space opera characters drawn by the legendary Jim Steranko. Just add stats and go!


Jay said...

These are GREAT! I'm so behind on my GACBS reading.

I'll have to go check out the last few posts!

Jerry Cornelius said...

You can't help but imagine stories for these characters, can you?

Tony said...

Can you imagine that Stan Lee rejected the splash page to this book? The legend goes that Steranko had already been paid for it, and he bought it back, hoping to one day publish it himself under his own Supergraphics imprint. Alas, like Talon, it never materiaized.

Jerry Cornelius said...

I guess even Stan the Man gets it wrong sometimes. It stinks that even someone like Steranko has trouble getting his work into print. We need a National Comic Book Museum to preserve this stuff.